Cloud Dataprep by Trifecta is an intelligent data service for visually exploring, cleaning, and preparing data for analysis. Cloud Dataprep is serverless and works at any scale. There is no infrastructure to deploy or manage. Easy data preparation with clicks and no code!

In this lab you use Dataprep to manipulate a dataset. You import datasets, correct mismatched data, transform data, and join data. If this is new to you, you'll know what it all is by the end of this lab.

Create a Cloud Storage bucket in your project

  1. In the Cloud Platform Console, select Navigation menu > Storage > Browser.
  2. Click Create bucket.
  3. In the Create a bucket dialog, Name the bucket a unique name. Skip the other steps to leave those settings at their default value.

For more information about naming buckets, see bucketname requirements.

  1. Click Create.

You created your bucket. Remember the bucket name for later steps.

Initialize Cloud Dataprep

  1. Select Navigation menu > Dataprep.
  2. Check to accept the Google Dataprep Terms of Service, then click ACCEPT.
  3. Check to authorize sharing your account information with Trifacta, then click Agree and Continue.
  4. Click Allow to allow Trifacta to access project data.
  5. Click your Google Cloud username to sign in to Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta. Your Google Cloud username is Username in the left panel in your lab.
  6. Click Allow to grant Cloud Dataprep access to your Google Cloud lab account.
  7. Check to agree to Trifacta Terms of Service, and then click Accept.
  8. Click Continue on the "First time set up" screen to create the default storage location.

Dataprep opens in a new browser tab. In the Welcome page, click Hide tour in the top right.